KNIME <-> MongoDB (Writer) – Part 2/5
In this 2nd part of my KNIME <-> MongoDB series, I will explain about MongoDB Writer component. You can find my 1st part for reading MongoDB database in this blog post. Dataset -> Ramen Ratings Workflow Overview Since, the KNIME MongoDB Writer component accepts data as JSON objects only, I have added Table to JSON…
KNIME <-> MongoDB (Reader) – Part 1/5
KNIME Analytics Platform offers a wide range of nodes to work with various databases. In this blog post, we will look at one particular NoSQL database MongoDB. MongoDB is a document -oriented database, where the data are stored in JSON-like documents. In this post, we will look at how to connect to MongoDB with KNIME…
Neo4j 4.3 Relationship Index
After the release of Neo4j 4.3 on June 17th, I wanted to test it during the weekend. The schema of my Dataset The relationship – HAS_RATINGS has count of number of podcast listeners, who have rated from 1 to 5 stars. Query – match (p:Podcast)-[ra:HAS_RATINGS]->(r1:Ratings) where ra.count>4 return,ra.count, ; Difference in profile Neo4j 4.2…
Amazon Neptune – A Graph Database
Introduction Amazon Neptune is a fully managed NoSQL graph database service, that provides applications to use highly connected datasets for their use cases. Amazon Neptune is a high-performance Graph Database, that can store and query billions of relationships in milliseconds. Amazon is ACID compliant with Immediate consistency in addition to 99.9% availability (based on comment…
Neo4j + Pandas = Inline Image
Sometimes, we experience image URL in Neo4j data, and as a Data Engineer / Data Scientist, we would like to see the image. The query result set in Neo4j doesn’t has the capabilities to display. Lets assume, we have a dataset, containing the URL of images from as an attribute. Jupyter notebook, CSV and…
Google Cloud Platform – Compute Engine Management through CLI
Sometimes it much easy to create a GCP Compute Engines in Command Line Interface, than going through process of slow gcp portal. One of the pre-requisite before creating compute engines, is to make sure gcloud command-line tools are installed. The GCP Cloud SDK can be installed from To create a compute engine execute, using…
VMware Workstation 16 Pro – VMware Tools – CentOS 7
VMware Tools are set of drivers and utilities that improves the performance of both virtual machine’s and guest operating system and enhances the interactions between the guest and the host operating system. VMware Tools are optional to install. VMware Tools has three main components – VMware Device Drivers – ensures smooth mouse and keyboard operations,…
Neo4j – Seed Docker with Data
Sometimes, during the project lifecycle, there is a need to quickly start a Neo4j docker with seeded data for QA or UAT environments. Creating a “vanilla” neo4j docker and executing all the data loader cypher queries takes huge amount of time. To save time, we can bootstrap or seed the docker with all the required…